Monday, June 21, 2010

Another letter, another warm feeling

19/9-1988 Luleå


Hello again ... thanks for the letter and the photo ... I was right ... you are the same girl I thought I saw on TV and in the papers haha, and several times in the courtroom ... and you are absolutely not 'ugly as hell' as you describe yourself!! And you are just as skinny as me ... Together we would weigh about 80 kg ... haha ... but I think you are taller than me. I am 171 cm ...
Hey you, BTW I'm not in Umeå anymore, I was moved to the jail in Luleå on 13/9-88 ... soooo ... a change at least ... We drove through Skellefteå but I didn't see you ... haha.  GOOD that you'd like to cock the hammers in appeal court (you can easily do it) ... I think Tina will come as well ... Then you don't have to wait in line at least ... haha ... you get to cut in front every day as far as I know ...
But it's not for sure that they will accept you as witnesses in the appeal court ... but they should and probably will ... Pelle Svensson will be in touch when it's time ... are you left or right-handed ... by the way it's not important, your age is important ... you are five years younger than Marita ... Marita is 22 years and you are 'only' 17 years ... and it's not difficult to cock those fucking hammers ... the court knows this too but those fuckers just wants to speculate ... but they can't do that after you guys have cocked the hammers right in front of their eyes! So you've started to work at Prästbordet's Kindergarten ... do you like it? Do you like children?
WHAT ...?? You would like to travel to the Soviet Union and Albania ...?? They are two of the worst Communist countries in the whole world ... personally I have never had any interest in commie countries ... on the contrary ... maybe it's just out of tradition that I don't because almost all Finns hate the Russians ... and personally I don't think communism is a very good way of thinking ... but I'm not really interested in politics at all ... I have never voted and am never going to either ... all the political parties are equally jerks, it doesn't matter if they are Moderate. social democrats or communists, they all want the same thing ... POWER!
What does 'röj' mean by the way? Is it some kind of word from Skellefteå? Don't laugh ... I really don't know what 'röjig/röj' means ... it's a completely new word to me ... could you 'translate' it next time you write ... please ...
You like The Leather Nun??
There are actually some Swedish rock bands that are OK. Mostly I like Imperiet, Nationalteatern, Eva Dahlgren ... here in Sweden ... at least they have pretty good lyrics.
You aren't the only one who's dyed on their hair a lot ... I guess I've dyed my hair for almost ten years and that ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(wrote the same thing twice)
But now I have almost my natural hair color, dark brown, during the summer, or the spring rather, I had pitch black hair ... I have tried bleaching my hair a couple of times, but blond hair doesn't suit me, I look like a girl then ... haha.
You've told Lisa and Kris I can't write them because I get so many letters, right? But the flood of letters is starting to dry up a bit, now I only get about 10-15 letters a day ... haha.
I hope you weren't disappointed if you tried to visit me at the jail in Umeå and found out I had been transferred to Luleå ... and here NOBODY can visit me ... SATAN!! But we'll meet anyway, at the latest at the trial, if you come?? OK, be well Stella.

Hugs, Juha

P.S I COULD be transferred to Stockholm or Gothenburg within a week,


  1.'s kinda scary upon first reading. Sounds positively psychotic, but then again it is a good addition to finally include some of the correspondence from this much maligned character. It seems strange that he has not even mentioned any of the alleged 'crimes' he is accused of. Is that a sign of innocence or part of the psychopathology of his internal moral compass?
    What was your reaction to this letter? What did you think? I reckon you should tease out some of your reactions to each piece of correspondence to place the whole piece into context
    I like it!

  2. Dan,

    Going back to read this now I am so embarrassed about my teenage self. What the hell was I thinking when I received these letters? Why was I charmed?
    Juha was denying the crimes the whole time, or rather, he said his girlfriend had done it. But after a few years in prison, after he got sentenced, he did confess.

    Hope all is well down under and thanks for your support!


  3. That is cool, thank you for the comments on my paltry output. Am caught up in the maelstrom that is modern work, of which when I was young I vowed never to do, but here I am. Hope to start posting real soon x


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